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Showing 1 results for Entrepreneurial Challenges

Maryam Sharifzadeh, Vida Aliyari, Neda Aliyari, Roohollah Karimiyan Hosseinabad ,
Volume 32, Issue 1 (8-2021)

The potential of beekeeping for fostering employment, economic growth, and sustainable livelihoods in productive regions is substantial. Boyar-Ahmad County possesses the necessary spatial and biological characteristics to initiate and develop beekeeping activities. However, beekeepers in this area face numerous challenges. This research seeks to assess these challenges and offer recommendations to promote the growth of beekeeping entrepreneurship. The study is applied in nature regarding its purpose and employs qualitative research methodology. Specifically, the classic 3-step Delphi technique was utilized. The expert panel comprised 30 professionals and senior experts from Boyar-Ahmad County. Through the Delphi process, 118 concepts were identified, which were then categorized into 25 subcategories and six main categories, outlining the challenges encountered by beekeepers in the region. The core categories identified in the study encompassed market-related challenges (such as issues with product marketability, unfavorable consumption market conditions, and limited export opportunities), support-related obstacles (including deficiencies in industry associations and unions, inadequate insurance coverage, weak regulatory frameworks, and insufficient government assistance), economic challenges (such as high operating costs, profitability constraints, and difficulties accessing credit), infrastructure limitations (including deficiencies in post-production and production facilities), environmental concerns (such as risks to the ecosystem, human impacts on the environment, habitat changes, threats from predators and hive intruders), and social factors (comprising awareness levels, quantity and quality of education, participation and collaboration, trust issues, stress factors, operational challenges, cultural influences, and security concerns). Overcoming these barriers, particularly in the areas of market access, protection, and economic viability, is crucial for the development of beekeeping in the region. The insights gained from this study can inform policymakers and stakeholders on the pressing issues faced by beekeepers and facilitate the implementation of measures to support their success.

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مجله‌ی بررسی‌های آمار رسمی ایران Ijoss Iranian Journal of Official Statistics Studies
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